Wednesday, November 14, 2007

TAGGED...yet again! :)

i finally have a minute to fill this out, so here is an updated version since last being tagged!

I've been taggggggged...(cindy answers in purple and BLAINE answers in blue..i thought Blaine answers would be fun!)

Four jobs I've had:
1. Dance instructor------mommy's personal trainer
2. Dr. assistant (office girl)-----professional taste tester
3. Hotel manager (Ayers suites)-----frosting bowl licker
4. Golden Spoon baby!!---pirate

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. legally blonde----CARS
2. romie and michelle-----Emperor's New Groove
3. italian job------Meet the Robinsons
4. dirty dancing--------Toy Story

Three places I have lived: ..sad i know, there are only 3 places...
1. Laguna Niguel, CA-----SAME
2. Trabuco Canyon, CA-------SAME
3. Rexburg, ID---------SAME....born there

Four favorite TV shows:
1. Grey's Anatomy------Sponge Bob
2. Project Runway------Go Diego, go
3. Pushing Daisies--------Dora the Explorer
4. Gossip Girl (guilty pleasure!)------Fairly Odd Parents

Four favorite foods:
1. Mexican Food-----Spaghetti and meatballs
2. Chinese-------string cheese
3. PASTRIES------apples
4. Red Vines/frozen yogurt----chocolate

Four websites I visit daily:
1. Hotmail---NA
2. blogspot
3. (work schedule)

Four places I'd rather be:
1. getting a massage-----chuck E cheese
2. Hawaii ---------playground/farm
3. shopping-------disneyland
4. NY visiting my friends-------grandma's house (idaho or california)

Four blog buddies I want to tag:
2. Rach
3. Keiko
4. Kelly


Anonymous said...

Ok so I'm new to the blogging biz!! What does tagged mean? Should I fill out the survey too? And yes... we will be updating our blog shortly! Just got back from Nor. Cal for Thanksgiving... how was your holiday??? Miss you!!! p.s. I wish you were here visiting us too...