Saturday, November 10, 2007

OFFICIALLY MOTIVATED... friend Sharla and i have been flirting with the idea of running a 1/2 marathon. we have been running together for the past year and having a blast, but i just got my TOTAL motivation...Katie Holmes-Cruise just ran the NY marathon and if she can do it, i can do a half. not only did she run....but then she went to a premiere with tom that night IN HEELS!!! so if that girl with her crazy life style can do it..i surely can! anyone what to join the madness?! :)
*oh and she ran it in 4 hours 30 minutes (ish). and i guess that's pretty good.

****shout out to best friend is there (and has been wanting to run the marathon...DO IT!!) and now my dancing diva buddy just moved there too. i miss you kelly! i have to get back there to visit!*****


Annalee said...

Lori and I are shooting to run a 1/2 marathon in Febuary. You two should join us. Also, you could definately run faster than Katie Holmes---her actual time was 5 hours and 29 minutes---which is still faster than I could do, especially because she only trained for 2 months. I heard a radio interview. Let's plan it.

Camille said...

You go are so tough! We are coming for Richie's wedding, so we're excited to see all of you!

Rae said...

Yeah, Katie actually ran it pretty slow for a typical marathoner. A lot of people were totally ragging on her. She got a lot of crap. Don't get me wrong, I think anyone who runs a marathon is AMAZING, however if we had all the money to afford the trainers these celebrities do, I think it would be a little easier on us.
My inspiration is Oprah. If she can do it, we definitely can. Actually, my REAL inspiration are the 80 year old grandmas doing the marathon in wheel chairs. AMAZING.

Anonymous said...

Awwww just saw my shout out... come visit!!!