Friday, August 10, 2007

more pictures...

in the "kids cabin" Blaine and his cousins had so much fun sharing bunk beds!
Blaine and his cousin Jake!! just 4 days apart! best pals! :)
hanging out at the dock...waitinf for the boat!
Aunt Jaime and Jared..those two got so sun burned...poor kids...we kept Blaine loaded with sun block!
Blaine's new best friend!! my aunt Blaine's great-aunt wendy...he clung to her the whole trip...maybe because she made hot chocolate in the morning!! :)

we had so much fun at Lake Nacameinto!! it was too bad that Jake could not be there, but we made the best of it...Blaine loves his first experience there! We played on the beach and hung out with our family! Blaine loved playing on the beach, floating in tubes and was the offical "water boy!" he would always ask everyone if they needed water and loved filling up from the water cooler! so fun. Cindy ripped it up on the knee board setting a new record of 20 360's in a dizzy! i must be getting old because i didn't realize how much upper body strength that takes. and i tried wakeboarding for the first time. it was fun, but kind of boarding, because i don't know how to do any tricks yet, but i'll learn! needless to say i am sore beyond all soreness. i can't look over my right shoulder because i got such bad whiplash wiping out on the wakeboard once...but is is so worth it! we had a total blast and can't wait for next year!!!


Rae said...

SO JEALOUS!! I want to go to a lake!
I learned how to wake board last summer and I LOVE it!! So so so fun.
And you are SO SKINNY!!!!

Jake, Cindy and Blaine said..., not so skinny i was just smart and picked a picture to post where the tube is covering my "problems areas!" (butt, know, the good stuff!)

katherine said...

So I have Harry Potter in my posession but I'm not allowed to start it until I've done some things to prepare for the move first. I can't wait to open it. I don't know how much longer I can last.
So you love 'So You Think You Can Dance' too?!?! I've watched a few of the past seasons if they were on TV while I was flipping but I am ADDICTED to this season. Pasha is my favorite. Go Pasha!

Rae said...

I'm pretty sure I've seen you in person and you ARE SKINNY!!!
Glad you liked the post. :)
We moved to California on July 26th, and my dad thinks it was a Wednesday. So I'm thinking our anniversary would be on July 30th?