Friday, June 18, 2010

Father's Day presentation

Just like Blaine's class put on a presentation for Mother's day, it was time for the Father's to get some love. so today was they class presentation. It was adorable and we actually got a good seat this time. i'm usually just standing in the back, but this time we were just 3 rows back, so Jake saw it as a perfect opportunity to make silly faces at Blaine and get Blaine giggling out of control! what are dads for?!there's Blaine making silly faces back at dad!my goober silly boys!

unfortunately this program ended on a sour note for Blaine. see....since he is the tallest kid in class, he is always put on the top raiser. the top raiser doesn't have a back, or anything to help prevent the kids from falling off the top you see where i'm going with this?! yep, i've kind of been waiting all year for this to happen...Blaine and the cute little girl next to him fell off the back of the raiser. i think blaine took a harder fall. he hit his head and scraped his back, so we ended up just going home after that. poor of the disadvantages of being so tall i guess! what a trooper.


charlesfam said...

Sounds like fun, until the fall. I'm glad he's okay. That's a hard one though.