Sunday, February 8, 2009

Good bye Charlie Brown

In the Most Loving Memory of my Grandpa:
Charlie Brown
October 9, 1925 - February 1, 2009
This is a picture from Grandpa's Memorial service! My grandma is sitting in front, with my Aunt Penny behind her, my DAD and Uncle Tom...and then all of my siblings and kids!

I just wanted to take a minute and write down some of my thoughts and feelings of my grandpa who passed away last sunday...Feb 1st. He had been sick for quite a while. he had a lung disease and was told a year and a half ago that he would only live for a few months, so he out lived everyone's expectations.

My grandpa was a very simple man, quite but always happy. Blaine and i were able to attend a memorial service for him last Wednesday in Arizona and the one thing that EVERYONE had to say about him was how sweet and happy he always was. never complained about any problems be had, just did what he could with a smile on his face. Another thing that become more apparent to me is how much my own dad is like my grandpa. they have so many similar qualities, and i hope that i have/will inherit some of those great qualities as well. It is also thanks to my grandpa that i am where i am today. My Grandpa was a convert to the church, and i can't even imagine what or where i would be if he wouldn't have joined the church...i have to assume that i would have NEVER BEEN BORN! If it weren't for him, my Dad would have never joined then church, therefore he would have never gone to BYU and never had met my mom. so i owe a lot to him.

i know that he is in a much better place now...he is no longer in pain or attached to machines. he is able to walk and breath and LIVE on his own. i also know that he is watching over and protecting my family. i keep having this same vision of my grandpa and Junior (and sister's daughter who passed away) together in heaven...i know grandpa is with him and taking care of him until we get up there! I will miss you grandpa....please take good care of my baby for me! I LOVE YOU!


Nichole said...

Love ya Cindy! Great post.