Thursday, January 17, 2008

what's in a name...

think you have a unique name?! check it out...find out how many people in the US have your same first and last name! apparently my name is kind of common and i learned the ROBINSON is the 20th most popular last name! interesting. but this can not be totally correct because if so, both my mother and father-in-law don't exist! they both have unique names and the website said there were no people in the US with that name....oopppss!! :)
a style="COLOR: #000" href=""
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?


Anonymous said...

Only 2 of me in the U.S. I wonder how many in Canada. For some reason, I'm thinking that number is lower. Hehe
I would hate to meet the other "me". Poor dear.