Monday, January 21, 2008

ready to be a sunbeam!!'s official!! blaine is a SUNBEAM!!! i think he was more ready to go, but i wasn't! i snuck into the back of sharing time to make sure he was ok...of course he was just fine, he was even raising his hand and answering questions in the lesson. when did my little boy get so big? what a cute boy!!


Marcus and Amy said...

How fun! Marc and I teach sunbeams, its a lot of work! They always have some sort of random story to tell, but they are so much fun! I am glad that he likes it. And as far as football goes, I am not much of a fan either, I just support Marc and his team. I like watching the super bowl for the commericals!

Jake and Rachelle said...

He is so cute! I love to dress my boys in white shirts and ties for church.