Friday, May 9, 2014

a sweet experience....

i just want to share a sweet little experience i had with Blaine the other day.....
so his class was planning on going on a field trip (about an hour away), and the night  before for some reason in my night time personal prayers, i decided to ask Heavenly Father to protect the class on their field trip.  i wasn't even thinking about the trip when i started my prayers, but when i prayed for it, i got this overwhelming feeling like Blaine was not suppose to go.  i just thought to myself, GREAT....Blaine has been looking forward to this all week, and now i don't think he should go.  so i asked Jake to pray about it and we also prayed together.  i was hoping maybe i was just feeling anxious or paranoid, and after i prayed with jake he said he didn't really feel anything one way or another.  the next morning jake called me and said that again he didn't feel one way or another about the field trip, but he knew that he was suppose to support what ever my decision was.  thanks a lot....put that on me now!!  haha.  so i went in to wake up blaine that morning and here is our conversation:

me- "Blaine it's time to get up"
Blaine- (sat right up) "Today is the field trip!!!!!!" (super excited)
me- "well, i actually need to talk to you about that.  i was praying last night and i got a weird feeling about it, and i'm not sure if you should go"
Blaine- (his immediate response) "Well mom, that is the Holy Ghost!  he must be warning you about something.  i probably shouldn't go"
me- "i know, but do you want to pray with me and see how we feel?"
Blaine- "it's ok, i already know the Holy Ghost was trying to warn us...that's what that feeling was" (as he is teaching me immediate faith!!!!!!)  "i'm so glad you had that feeling so nothing will happen to me...thanks for listening to the spirit mom!"

we ended up staying home....and after school we saw the kids from the field trip! everyone had a great time and everything was just fine.  but Blaine never questioned why he wasn't' suppose to go...he just knew he wasn't.
i am so thankful and humbled by this kid.  he is always helping me and my testimony grow.  there are so many times i have said, i know he is here for ME...and not the other way around.  i don't know how i got so lucky, and i often feel inadequate  to be him mom, but he makes me a better person and pushes me to be better for him.  i love my sweet boy and his strength, unshaken faith and testimony!  thanks Blaine for always being such a great example for me!  i love you!