Friday, May 21, 2010

Blaine's new bed...PART 1

Well, Jake's latest project has been that he is working on building a SUPER COOL new bed for Blaine. we wanted to build a loft bed for him (pretty much a bunk bed without the bottom bunk). Blaine's room right now isn't super huge, so we wanted to find a way to make more room once the baby comes, since they will be sharing a room. so that's where the idea of a loft bed came. we will be able to put Blaine's desk and bean bag chair under his bed and not to mention it will make a pretty sweet fort to play in too...just throw a sheet over it and you're good to go. we really wanted a place for Blaine that he could go hang out and that would be his own. there are a lot of changes happening soon , and we really don't want Blaine to feel left out or forgotten since the baby will be getting lots of attention.
Jake and my dad worked all last saturday construction the bed (i love living close to my dad, he is so cleaver and Jake is learning a lot from he has tools!) now we have to sand the whole thing and paint it, which will take a few more saturdays worth of work! this is just stage 1, so i will keep you all posted as we progress! but it's sure looking good!Blaine is so excited!