Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sad day at the Robinson Home!

Today has been a very sad day....i am typing this now, just so i can get it all out, and maybe i won't have to repeat it so many times! Today we gave birth to a beautiful little boy at 4:45am. we found out yesterday morning that our little boy had already passed away and that we needed to do an emergency delivery. He was 5 and a half inches long and weighed just under 2 oz. We named him Junior!! Even though he was just a little guy, it was so nice to be able to spend some him with him. he had 10 perfect fingers, 10 toes and the cutest little bummy! the nurses put together a little memory box for us to take home with pictures of him and us and the ultrasounds. they also gave us a birth certificate and took little hand prints, feet prints and the cute little bummy print! the labor was not painful at all physically, but extremely draining emotionally. Lucky for us my parents live so close and they have been taking care of Blaine for us through all of this. we were only in the hospital for a day which was nice, so it's great to be home in our own bed!

we are coping with everything the best we know how....and we are really ok with everything. it will just take some time to heal! we appreciate everything that everyone has done so far...thank you thank you! and we are so grateful for all the love and support we have been receiving. We really hope people don't feel awkward around us, we really are doing ok, just don't expect us to be super talkative just yet! thanks for all your prayers, help and understanding! we love you all! Love, the Robinson Family! :) Jake, Cindy, Blaine and our Little angel Junior!


Rae said...

Love you guys so much. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug and just hang out and watch Friends. I'd make you eggs on toast and we'd just chill.
We'll talk more later.
Even though I'm far away you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

Tory and Elizabeth said...

We are so sorry to hear your news, we can't help but cry for you. We just want to let you know our prayers are with you.

Nichole said...

You are such a strong women. My cousin had the same thing happen on Wednesday. I wish I could give you a big hug and I will soon enough. Very smart putting the explanation on the site so you don't need to explain and the story doesn't change from person to person. The Dart family loves you and we will have you in our prayers.

Jessica said...

Cindy - I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Please, please let me know if there is anything I can do or if you need anything.

Ryan and Laura said...

Cindy-loo...don't really know what to say but we love you- all of you. Hope you continue to be strong and just as faithful and trusting as you seem to be in this post. Everything is in the Lord's hands after all huh?! I'd still love to see you when I'm in town in a few weeks! You'll be in my prayers.

Meggie and Russ said...

Cindy, I am so sorry!! My sister just had a miscarriage a couple days ago so I can somewhat understand. I know I am way far away so there is nothing I can do, but you are in my prayers! Love you!

Katie and Christian said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! You're in our thoughts and prayers!

Toby and Tammy said...

We are so sorry about your loss and so sad! My heart just breaks for your family. Please know that we are praying for you and thinking about you often.

Jake and Rachelle said...

I'm so sorry of your loss. I had a miscarriage with our first baby at 12 weeks. My sister-in-laws have also experienced loss during pregnancy and after. Through the love of our family and friends and the Lord we can begin the healing process. I hope you guys are doing okay. We will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if we can do anything for you.

Camille said...

We are thinking of you during this time. This makes us so sad-what a very hard thing to do. Know that your family is definitely in our thoughts and prayers. Our love is with you.

Brooke and Aaron said...

That is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. What a special little boy Junior is. He was so perfect, he got to see Heavenly Father sooner than many of us do. Thank goodness for the Gospel and for the truths that we know as members. We're thinking of you all.

Johansen Family said...

Cindy, I am so sorry for your loss! I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Love you lots!!

Annalee said...


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be for your family and I won't pretend that I know what you're going through, because I don't but please know that you are in my prayers. Heavenly Father has his own time line---as we all know. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Again, I am so sorry to hear the news about Junior... I'm sure that this time is incredibly difficult for you but after you have had some time to heal, you'll be able to look forward to trying again. I wish I could be there to spend some time with you :(
You're in my thoughts...

April said...

Oh Cindy,I am so sorry, its so hard to see other mothers/families go through the same thing. Its just so hard and not fair. I hope you guys are doing as good as can be.