Tuesday, November 11, 2008

SHe'S HeRe!!!

BoRN: TueSDaY NoVeMBeR 11th, 2008 at 9:02am
WeiGHT: 8lbs 6ozs
HeiGHT: 19 1/2 inches

Both Carrie and Kaylie are doing well! Kaylie was having some respiratory problems when she was born, so she is still be monitored...but she is doing very well now! Carrie said everything went nice and smoothly..only a 6 hour labor!!!! no fair! Congrats!!

WeLCoMe BaBY KaYLie!!

PRouD PaPPa!...

eXCiTeD CouSiN....
I have a thing for little baby toes! we will keep you updated on the new little family! We are so excited and happy for them!


Liese said...

so cute! i was so excited when I got the text from Jaime! You're quick about getting the pictures up!

Johansen Family said...

She is so cute! Umm so totally not fair that Carrie does not look like she just had a baby!