Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back to school

 Can't believe i have a THIRD GRADER!!! and i can't believe the kids start school in JULY!! it's kind of crazy.  but the school Blaine goes to now is a modified year round...so they have shorter summers and longer breaks through out the year.  i guess it's a good thing too because it is so hot it's nice to have the kids back in school where it's air conditioned.  it's too hot to be outside unless you are in a pool!
another super fun thing, is Blaine and Jake are in the same class this year.  it will be nice for Blaine to have a buddy to start the year...but Blaine makes friends quickly, so im not too worried.  here's to another great year!

poor ty wishes he could go with Blaine...he wants to be grown up!but  i want Ty to stay my little peanut forever!