Monday, August 16, 2010

GiRLS CaMP 2010!!!

so last week was GIRLS CAMP, and it was such a Blast!! i just wish i would have been able to be there the whole time...but with a baby and all, that made it kind of hard. i was the camp director again this year and was able to g up for 2 days of camp...all day Tuesday and Thursday. it was so much fun. the girls in our ward are so amazing and we always have such a great time together. but being a new mommy again, it was nice to come home and see my boys...kind of the best of both worlds. strangely enough, i DID miss the crazy late night sleep overs. that's when some of the craziest moments always happen! i never stayed the night there...i would drive home late and get home between midnight and 2 in the morning, but it was totally worth it.we had a super cute Baseball theme..."A league of their own!" most of my ward girls are in this picture, but we are missing a few. we had 20 girls from our ward go!me and another leader Laurai fell in love with this cute girl that week!...LOVE YOU HALEY! so as it turned out...some of the camp water was pretty nasty, as we found out first hand!
awesome lessons!thanks for yet another FABULOUS year girls! girls camp rocks!