The week before we were planning on taking off to AZ, we wanted to do ALL of our favorite things in California!
MONDAY: this was a double whammy....we were able to go to Disneyland WITH the Priors. 2 of our favorite things.
TUESDAY: my mom and i had started a wonderful tradition of Taco we hit up Cafe Rio one more time (since our other favorite place shut down grrrrr).
i also got my hair done one more THAT is purple! thanks Courtney!
WEDNESDAY: i was able to sneak in one last class at Jimmie Defores....thanks Danny, Joy and Kelvin for always dancing with me!
THURSDAY we went to the park and met up with my good friend Julie...i got to see he cutie new baby!!
FRIDAY: Blaine was able to go to his buddy Andin's birthday party! they switched the day just so we could sweet! it was great for Blaine to hang out with his buds one more time!
but poor Ty baby was getting really sick! so we snuggled most the the day.
Friday was also the day our car broke down (nice) on our way to one last going away party thrown by my good friends Paige and Marissa. i will post more pics of that later.
we were suppose to be on our way to AZ on saturday, but with no car and a sick baby, that has been postponed. after 5 days of sickies and fever we took ty to urgent care on sunday and found out he has an ear infection and bronchitis. poor guy! once ty gets better and we get the car working, then we will take off to AZ. we are trying to count this as a blessing....we rather the car break down here than in the middle of the desert, and we would rather ty get sick here than in AZ where we don't know Drs and where my sister's kids are since we will be staying with them. (we would hate to get them sick)
i have come to doesn't always matter what YOU have planned, sometimes the LORD has another plan for you. this is our little hurdle we have to endure before we take off for our next adventure. at least we got a few fun things we are just laying low!