Saturday, April 20, 2013


 Happy 30th Birthday to....ME!!!  my hubby and friends/sisters threw me a super rockin PAAARTAAAAY!  we wanted to do 90's theme since 80s is soooo over done, and i spend most of my teenage years in the 90's!  so we dusted off our plaid skirts and pulled out our best Britney impressions!  and YES...those are FROSTED TIPs on Jake!!
Sarah was my Britney competition....WHATEVER!!  haha, LOVE her! 
and Amber who i have known since i was 6 came up from Pheonix to surprise me! 
 my mom and Diana dug up some pics thru the ages!! i was very grateful they were kind.  i have a bad hair phase from like 10-15!  haha
and no party would be complete without a dance off!  thanks Cris Cross for helping us JUMP JUMP!!  so much fun!  thanks again everyone!